“Surviving The Hill” is a documentary that addresses the current plight and state of the Drug Epidemic (Opioid, Heroin, Cocaine/Crack, MDMA and other addictions and recovery) within the United States featuring Stephen Hill. Stephen Hill is a bestselling author, recovery coach, and a fierce attorney advocating for treatment over incarceration. He is a renowned national speaker on substance use prevention & mental health awareness. The film is both educational and entertaining. It also features local government, law enforcement and raw, inspirational and intriguing stories/experiences from both those in recovery and those who have overcome addiction.
“The Evolvolution Initiative” uses education , hip hop and entertainment as a powerful weapon and solution to create change in a growingly complex world. Janol Mecca Holmes (Culturalist, Executive Producer and C.E.O) and Marc Hoberman (Educator/C.O.O) are contacted by England’s number one anti-racism Charity “Show Racism The Red Card” to deliver a powerful lesson to a Middle School (FitzWimarc School) in England. The school reached to express concerns about constant use of the “N-word” by younger students at their school. The Evolvolution Initiative delivers a powerful message in the form of an international workshop called “The Culture Shock Experience”. The lesson addresses the use of the “N-Word ” and promotes “Respect of Culture ” through artistic visuals, music, genuine dialogue and heartfelt cultural exchange. 2021 London Shorts Film Festival Nominee and 2022 New York International Film Festival Finalist.
“REVOLUTIONIZE THE GLOBE” through Entertainment, Education and Creative Content.