Enemy Radio’s (Chuck D, Jahi, DJ Lord and the S1W’s) new project “Loud is not Enough” is being released at a perfect time, of which many are craving music with substance to get them mentally through present and dangerous times. Hip Hop dynamic duo “Black Man and Robin” (Chuck D & Jahi) provides entertaining and intellectual insight through there performance and lyricism on the new project “Loud is not Enough”, which should make everyone’s quarantine soundtrack and playlist.

Chuck D is consistent in truly being a “Prophet of Rage” as he’s always had the ability to prophesies the future, whether it’s through a lecture or via a Hip Hop song. The lead single “Food as a Machine Gun” sets the tone, in which many are suffering from the coronavirus. Many vulnerable victims have underlined health issues (type 2 diabetes, hypertension and etc) which stems from poor eating habits. “Food as a Machine Gun” provides a powerful message which can hopefully help save and sustain lives moving forward, if people actually listen. “Born Woke” leaps from the project in retro-herioc fashion, addressing “evil do-ers” and self proclaimed “Woke Millennials”. “The Kids Ain’t Alright” is a state of the union address focused on current times and society’s many challenges. Legendary Hip Hop Artist “Daddy 0” (Stetsasonic) and Derrick X (Brand Nubian) make separate and exception surprise appearances on songs “Last Stand Caravan” and “Lock Your Wheels”.

The Mission of Public Enemy lives on which is crucial during these times.

“Loud is Not Enough” is available for purchase through all online retailers.

It can also be heard on Enemy Radio via RAPstation (Live365): https://live365.com/station/Enemy-Radio—a24239

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